Friday, January 13, 2012

First Project of 2012

The wood is purchased!

I finally went out last weekend to Lowes and spent my gift card from Christmas. When you have a hundred projects in your head that you want to do, it's so hard to narrow it down to just one thing you want.

Also because I'm so indecisive, I go back and forth on even the smallest decision.

So much so, I considered RETURNING the wood I bought last week.

Yes, I'm THAT crazy.

I finally settled on making the entryway storage bench/coat shelf from Ana White's plans. I've wanted this for like, um forever. Also because I get SO frustrated trying to get my gloves/hats and scarves out of the bin from under my stairs EVERY time the weather goes arctic.  I NEED a better storage solution, and I can't wait until my hallway and stairs are picture perfect.  I need this now for my own sanity.

Here is what we are going for:

img from
The problem is the wall where our coats currently hang is only a little over three feet and this is a four foot bench, so there will be some modifications!  However, I will progress my steps along the way!  I plan on painting it an espresso color, putting hats, gloves and scarves in the top three bins and the bottom bins will be for shoes and miscellaneous items.

Assembly starts this weekend. 

I can't wait!

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